Mae and I

Mae and I

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

back to school azules

 New school year, new opportunity to tell it like it is. A lot has happened, but let's just pick up with where things are now. 
Check out my sweet classroom - it may or may not look like south of the border threw up everywhere...

My summer, in pictures.

Beach, pool, booze. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Steve's Grad Party

Some pics from the weekend - Steve & Joe's grad party. 
Can't believe that it's been so long since my last blog. Life has been crazy with the end of the school year rapidly approaching (1 month from today!!!) and searching for a rental in Arlington. 
Here's hoping we can find the perfect match & SOON!
Counting down until our trip to Aruba - 42 days?!

Mae's Brother, Michael

I am loving Diptic!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tourist day

Today we spent time shopping around the village of Keystone and hit up the casinos in Central City and Black Hawk. We ended up walking out with $1200 between the 5 of us. Wahoo!
old 2-room jail