Mae and I

Mae and I

Monday, February 20, 2012

Officially an Ambiturner!

Success!! I managed to link turns and make 's's' down the mountain this trip. AND I barely fell!! WAHOO!! I also tried my lovely sister's snowboard on a run and fell in love. I guess that's what happens when you're used to a beat up old clunker and then test drive a Mercedes. I decided before I head out to Colorado in March to snowboard, I needed to make a major board upgrade.

Check out my new board & bindings!! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wisp, round 2

President's day weekend trip snowboarding! Need to sharpen my moves so I can enjoy my trip to Colorado next month! Today I successfully linked a few turns which means I'm an ambiturner! An inconsistent ambiturner, but an ambiturner nonetheless.
The rest of the crew gets in tonight. So glad I took today off!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day

This isn't a bitter valentine's day post. I am all for showing your friends, family and lover(s) the love. However, to me there is nothing less romantic than 1-roses with baby's breath, 2-Russell Stover candies, 3-open heart pendants from Kay's, Jared's or Shaw's.
I must say, the only thing worse than Valentine's day, is Valentine's day without you.

Check out the valentine I sent mine :)