Mae and I

Mae and I

Friday, November 25, 2011


The night before thanksgiving is one of my favorite nights to go out. Not only are out-of-town friends back in the area but the next day you know you have a feast of food to kick your hangover's butt. This Thanksgiving eve was no exception. My friends Jason and Chris had a cocktail party at their apartment in Ballston with 15-20 of our high school friends. Some we see more often then others but when we all get together, it's as if no time has passed. It is funny how when we are around each other, we resort back to our former HS selves - bad habits and all. Unfortunately after a bottle of wine, I forgot to take pictures. I hate when that happens. We ended up at Clarendon Grille where we chatted the night away. So much fun.
The next day was spent sleeping off my hangover and preparing for the feast. My best friend from elementary school, Ashley, her sister Brittany and their grandmother joined us for dinner. Their parents are living in Hong Kong for a few years for work.

Thanksgiving is always a time for reflection so on that note, I'd like to say that I'm thankful for my family, friends, and my beautiful dog. I can't believe she became part of my family a year ago today. Happy Anniversary, pup!

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