Mae and I

Mae and I

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I forgot how...

1. Much I enjoy/like teaching (love is such a strong word = committment phobe)
2. Little my freshman are
3. These first few weeks/months are EXHAUSTING
4. 31 teenagers in one room can be crowded and stinky but create also some incredible synergy 
5. Uncool I've become in my "old age" - who's Tyler the Creator?
6. I don't have time to use the restroom before lunch
7. Curious my students are about me- "Ms. Goodwin, are you married? what's in your hair? do you have in extensions? where did you get your shoes? Are you Spanish?"

This is going to be a great year! Right? It has to be. Not only am I a full-time teacher but I am a full-time student this semester, taking grad classes at UVA: 2 online & 2 traditional evening classes. I can sleep when I'm dead, right?

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