Mae and I

Mae and I

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, I am obsessed with Missoni. What's not to love about a diverse color palete & zig-zags from a fine Italian powerhouse? NADA! I tried to get on to ALL DAY (in between teaching our nation's youth, of course) with NO LUCK. 

Feeling defeated, I pouted the whole drive home & I protested going to Target. If I couldn't get in the store online, there's no way there'd be things left in the store. I finally was able to get on after school to see all the things I've been drooling over - gone. Sold out. There was an option to "check in store" - could it be?! The most coveted item on my it true??  Said they had "limited stock" at the Leesburg store. You bet your bottom dollar that I hauled ass to Leesburg to see if my gorgeous blanket was still there. 
The coveted blanket -- ahhhh
No. But seeing some things strewn about the shelves and hidden in aisles make me embark on a top-secret-Missoni-mission. 

No luck, but my Missoni thirst needed to be quenched - I race over to Sterling store just as a friendly Targetman is wheeling out giant cardboard boxes labled "MISSONI" - there is a God! Except, He didn't want me to have my blanket that day BUT he wanted me and my sister to have matching plates & cereal bowls.

1 comment:

  1. Best sister EVER award!! I can't wait for my plates and bowls!!! And they BETTER ship thousands of more items to target.. i want it ALL.
