Mae and I

Mae and I

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting inspired at home & in the classroom

So I've been introduced to pinterest and have been inspired by so many great DIY crafts for home & my classroom. 

Some crafts I want to work on for home-
make your own dry-erase board

old door, blackboard paint

magetic makeup holder

dresser with fabric modpodged to the front

magnetic monogrammed boards

Crafts I'll be working on for my HS Spanish classroom:
how smart!! to keep the comp cords all easily accessible
would love to frame this and put it on my desk

stamps I bought

bought some new posters

bought this pocket calendar, the months & weather are in Spanish on the back side
I'm going to label my popsicle stick cup "victimas" (victims) - I always ask for voluntarios, but 9 times out of 10 I have to call on victims. This is an easy way to remember who I've called on and who I haven't in a 90 min block

This is how my desk was set up last year - now I'll have my own classroom :) Time to rearrange!

chilipepper lights & "word birds" to demonstrate location - These were in English, but I pasted and lamonated the Spanish on top of it - genius!

I have a week left of summer to craft my little heart out! Time to get cracking!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to craft with you and make great things!!!! i heart pinterest! ha
