Mae and I

Mae and I

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 23

The.Last.Day. Sad. Depremida. Bienvenidos a Depressionville. 5:30 wake up, 6:15 taxi, 7:10 flight to San Jose. 9:00 shuttle to International airport in San Jose. MK departs on a different flight. Liz & her bf arrive. 12:10 flight to Miami, 2 hours going thru customs/border control & an hour to spare before our 9pm flight to IAD, whew. Arrival 11:20. Liz scurries into a cab, Susan's mom and sister scoop her as soon as we leave the terminal while Kim and I wait for Brett. It's funny that we left in the order that we arrived. First, it was just me. Then Kim, then Susan, then Liz, then MK & Kaiti.
16 hours of travel. & it all comes full-circle. 
tin roofs in San Juan
only security we've seen & this happened AFTER the flight
Last photo in CR :(

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