Mae and I

Mae and I

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 22

Welp, it's over. It's fitting that today, things ended how it all started: raining. I like to think of it as, Costa Rica's inner mood being reflected in terms of weather (because we're leaving). We had a few brief hours of non-rain, which by no means meant there was sun. We've grown to think that the absence of rain is a home-run & when the sun is present, it's a grand-slam! Today was neither. We stayed out through the rain as long as we could…but it seemed to be a lost cause. We spent the afternoon watching movies or at the gym. 

loving our robes & slippers
Tonight, we went out for the official last supper. We had lots of wine, laughs, some almost-tears and lots of love for Costa Rica. 

what you can't really see is me trying to take MK out with my thick wood menu

Tomorrow we leave the Marriott at 6:15 to catch our 7:10 tin-can flight to San Jose, then a 9am shuttle to the international airport. We will reconnect with Liz and her beau to fly into MIA, all minus MK. We are so sad that MK is not continuing with us into the home-stretch. So so triste.  Costa Rica - you were great. All I have to say to you is -- "Pura vida, no pass nada…adios…"
I'd rather say, "hasta luegs" - because I know I'll be back.

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