Mae and I

Mae and I

Friday, July 8, 2011

To Deet or Not to Deet?

In this crucial time before departure, I am feeling a little frazzled (despite the fact that I'm a seasoned traveler). I am driving home from OBX tonight to "throw shit in a bag" for Costa Rica. FYI "Throw shit in a bag" is mine and my sister's preferred method of packing. With a rainy day at the beach, I found myself perusing the aisles of the OBX Walmart. Mysteriously I ended up in the camping section, which could be referred to as the redneck section, but that's another blog...Needless to say, it was my first time over there. :) I encountered two kinds of bug spray - 1) some lovely "green" deet-free, all natural stuff and 2) outdoorsman max repel with 40% deet. Normally, I'd be for the all-natural-hippie-love-and-no-chemicals kind HOWEVER, when we're talking bugs...I had to go to the potent-may-cause-rashes-or-even-worse-cancer kind. Hasta Luego, insectos!!
Febreze® to go Fabric refresher D02-0176401-3100In addition to the bug spray, I picked up my last minute travel essentails for my trip: sunscreen, antibacterial hand sanitizer, crystal light water bottle packets, face wash & other body products. Another thing I found was a mini fabreze to go bottle - a must have when you're not sure when you are going to be able to wash your clothes. However, I'm guilty of using the 'fabreze trick' when I haven't done laundry and my favorite dress has been sitting in the dirty-clothes hamper for weeks &I want to wear it anyways. Shhh..don't tell! Man, this is going to be tough packing one bag for a 3 week trip! Costa Rican airline's allow checked bags weighing 40lbs & carry ons weighing 10lbs on flights. Crap! This high-maintenence girl is about to have some packing issues...


  1. I am slightly disturbed about how you pulled clothes out of a dirty hamper to take to CR with you. I think that if you plan on visiting me in Denver. There will be some sort of mandate where you must wash all clothes after 2 "wears".

  2. hahahaha I am bringing all clean clothes to CR & will be doing the same when I visit you. The dirty-clothes pull-out is only reserved for mornings I'm running late to work and have nothing to wear. :)
