Mae and I

Mae and I

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 10, 11 & 12

Day 10
Sorry loyal readers for not updating sooner, however, we left the computer in Manuel Antonio while we went to Jaco. On our last night in Manuel Antonio with the boys, we sat out by the pool and drank (just a few ;) ) Imperials and plotted our next three days in Jaco. Jason, notorious for his big ideas, suggested that we all should throw in some money and we could rent a fat villa. 

We talked to some real estate agents in Jaco and decided on renting the Casa Gris (Grey House) which turned out to be more of a compound than a villa. It had 2 apartments and a main house with a pool and a loft. While the boys and I were looking at the house, the girls went to our original hostel and met Chris, one of the owners of our hostel. All of us girls had been craving chocolate since we haven't had any since arriving in Costa Rica and Chris had brownies that were fresh out of the oven so we had to indulge! The first day in Jaco was gorgeous- a perfect beach day. 

We all alternated between our compound's pool and the beach.  We started drinking imperials super early so by 8:45 we were itching to go out. The street was DEAD as we walked to Monkey Bar. Kim and I bailed for some tacos upon arriving to the empty Monkey Bar.
The next day (Wednesday) was even nicer, sunnier and more blue skied than the first! Glorious! We lounged at the beach all day and all went to Fish Taco Bar for dinner. This restaurant was so cool - tiki torches outlined the property and on one side of the bar there were individual swings instead of bar stools. The Fish Tacos were delish, too! Us girls got wrapped into a Friends (in English!) marathon and decided to take it easy that night,

Day 11
Another glorious beach day! Can you believe we've had 3 in a row?? We walked around the shops after the beach and bought some souvenirs. Later in the afternoon, Kim, Susan and I went to see Harry Potter in 3D at the movie theater! We were shocked we found it in English (w/ Spanish subtitles). We loved the movie - and afterwards, we all had this weird sensation that we were back in the US. When we arrived home, the boys & girls had gone to the store so they could grill out - cheeseburgers & vegetables on the grill. 

What a nice taste of home to be surrounded by friends (old & new), see a new movie in English and  good ol' American comfort food. After dinner, we went back to walk around the shops and got hair wraps/feathers put in our hair. Liz had done it earlier in the day and we all were super jealous and had to get one put in, too! Kim, Liz and I played Old Maid and watched Dexter and went to bed. Bob, Mike, Jason, Chris, MaryKate, Susan & Kaiti went to a local bar which turned into a super hot (literally) discoteca. I'm sure they have plenty stories to share with the class but that is for them to decide if they want to tell ;)
Day 12
The Old Maids got up and were at the beach by 7 - trying to squeeze in every drop of sunshine since we know it's fleeting in CR. We also bought some last minute gifts. Liz and I found super cute games in Spanish/English that we got for our classroom. We met the girls around 9 so they could get their hair wraps. Our driver picked us up at 11 and we were back in Manuel Antonio by lunch time. We're so glad we haven't had to take long drives on these crazy Costa Rican roads. Tonight is our last day in Manuel Antonio (back at our beloved tree house). Tomorrow Kaiti heads back to San Jose to catch a flight (crazy small world - she's on the same flight as the boys) and Kim, Susan, Liz, MK & I are flying to La Fortuna (Arenal) where the volcano is for some more adventure!


  1. Great place!! It sure looks like you are having a great time.
    Love, Mom

  2. Authentic Costa Rican brownies?!?!?! Mmmm, sounds good!!! :-)
