Mae and I

Mae and I

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Guest Blog by MaryKate McDonald

And all is right with the world....the Baldi Resort is behind us, our lovely "Asian" hostel receptionist has allowed us to spend the night, and the sun is shining!  Liz, Suzie, and I happily jump into our SkyTram Skytrek van and depart for zip-lining through the rainforests of Arenal. Suddenly, the heavens open up (nothing we can't handle, with all our rain experience), but then Disney workers join the van, and then wouldn't you know it, we pick up more Disney freaks! Unbelievable, they know each other! Isn't it a "small world after all?"

After much Magic Kingdom and Epcot talk, we arrive at our destination. There are a number of steps before taking the zip of a lifetime. 1- Sign your life away.  2- Allow a Tico to adjust your helmet and harnesses. 3- Use el baƱo.
Ok and we're off. Tres amigas sit cautiously in a Tram, not the smoothest of gondolas, heading 3000 feet on a mountainous ascent. Upon arriving at the top, we are greeted with glasses of Iced Tea. We would have preferred Tequila to ease the shakes. Our "bilingual" guide snaps on his carabiner and does his best "speaking the English" while explaining how to zip line safely. Suzie steps up onto the platform, gets into position, and zips across, perfecto!  My turn, I inform the guide that estoy nerviosa and he replies, "yo tambien, it's my second day and I'm still in training." NO GRACIAS!  With muchos butterflies, Liz and I zip across, success. One small, short zip-line down, seven more terrifying lines to go! Zip-line numero tres separates the pollos from the hombres. With the bravest of faces, we flew from mountain to mountain overlooking the most beautiful hillsides, not to mention the famous Arenal Volcano and Lake. Seeking even more of an adrenalin rush? I think so! In a superstitious fashion, Suzie, then myself, and holding up the caboose, Liz soared above the treetops, experiencing zip-lines named, Speedy Gonzales and Big Daddy. What a thrill! Eight zip-lines, sixty spiral steps, and three huge smiles later, we were back on solid ground. With excitement from the day's events and hungry bellies off to The Springs we went. Sushi for five, por favor. 


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