Mae and I

Mae and I

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 5

Last night was rough, when we got back to our apartment we found ants crawling and swimming in our toilet. Sick!!
This morning, I wake up and the sun isn't up yet but I feel Kim flailing around due to insects being creepy and crawly. Holy balls what is crawling in my hair…I reach up and pull out some meaty insect out of my hair. This was the straw that broke this camel's back. In Spanish, you'd say "la gota que derramo el vaso" (the drop that made the glass overflow - the first thing I've learned in class all week). Kim and I went over to the Hotel Plinio to check out the prices at 6:45 in the morning. After the toilet ants and the bug in my hair, we knew we couldn't stay there another night. The office wasn't open yet (not surprised) so Kim, Liz and I returned on our way to class for some breakfast and to see what our options were. We checked out one of their 3 story suites which literally looks like swiss family robinson tree house and is absolutely what we were picturing for our Costa Rican apartment - immediately we booked the suite. Heaven! PS - did I mention it's the hotel that's connected to our favorite tree-house bar Jefe's? It's Perfect!! Be sure to check out the links, and i'll take some pics later.

 Class was better today for all of us. iiiLOS MONOS VINIERON!!! The Monkeys came right up to our "classroom" in the jungle. We fed them some mangos we brought and are hoping they come back tomorrow, too! Maybe class went by so fast/well since we spent a good 20 minutes feeding the monkeys? Quizas. After class, we all grabbed our bags and crossed to the good side of the street to Hotel Plinio (who ever said the grass isn't always greener on the other side is a bloody liar!). As for the rest of today, we just finished a leisurely lunch and will spend the afternoon lounging at the pool next to our beautiful picturesque Costa Rican treehouse apartment.
PURA VIDA - por fin.

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