Mae and I

Mae and I

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 6

It rained all night on the tin roof of our treehouse bungalow.

View from our balcony
It was surprisingly FREEZING last night despite the fact that we are 1- in Costa Rica, 2-in July and 3- had no air conditioning. We woke up for our last day of classes! Yay! We all came down for breakfast at Jefe's. We were so entusiasmadas to be done with clases. We graduated! 

After class we came back to grab some smoothies and our bathing suits to head up to the National Park in Manuel Antonio. The park was incredible! We saw sloths, several kinds of monkeys, iguanas and lots of other plants/animals. The monkeys were so close!! We even saw some with their little babies on the back. Tons of pictures are a'coming - get prepared! 

We hiked in the park to try to find a beach where we could sun but we were a little disappointed because we couldn't find a place with a beach wide enough to sunbathe. Halfway through our hike, it started to rain. Whomp whomp. We should be used to it by now…but we still are sad. Dedos cruzados that the weather takes a turn for the better!
So close!!!

Sloths scratching his armpit haha

We booked lots of things for this next week since we no longer have school sucking the life out of us. Tomorrow- full day of surfing lessons, Sunday -Mangrove Kayak Tours, Monday - Horseback riding in one wildlife preserve / bar crawl and Tuesday we head to Jaco! Some of my friends from home are going to be visiting Manuel Antonio area from Sunday-Tuesday, and then we're all going to Jaco together! Should be a good time. We're excited for a boozy, hopefully sunny week with amigos new and old.
Disclaimer: I know I have been complaining and writing about all the silly and frustrating things that have been happening but we are having a GREAT time. We've been laughing it all off and venting via the blog is SUPER helpful as well. :)

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blog and seeing about your wonderful trip! I have never seen a monkey that close and not in a zoo! Wow!
