Mae and I

Mae and I

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So, here we are.

A little bit about me and a little bit about this blog...
I am 24 year old teacher with a major addiction to fashion, the beach, traveling and a passion for everything Spanish. I love Spanish music, food (mmm shrimp fajitas & guacamole), language and dance! While in college, I studied abroad in Spain for 6 months and played with the idea of writing a blog, but never got around to it...I have a bunch of emails I sent while in Spain that I added to a scrapbook, but that seems a little behind the times now. So, this blog is inspired by my super-awesome trip to Costa Rica for the Summer of 2011. I'm sure lots of fun times & hilarity will ensue...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I am super stoked to follow your blog! It looks like you LOVE to have fun. ;)
