Mae and I

Mae and I

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 4 - a day later

Day 4
Last night at Bambu Jam there was an incredible latin band blaring music which made the dance floor as hot and sweaty as the jungle around Manuel Antonio National Park. It was so loud we had to mime to communicate -- we quickly learned the proper pantomime to order mas cervezas. Early morning alarm for class. On our way, we ran into Vladimir and all walked to class together. MK, Kim, Kaiti and Susan had a great day and have a video to share with you, our captive audience. Liz and I were more bored than we've been in class. Gag. After school, we high-tailed it to Quepos because today was the day for our first surfing lesson. We went back to cafe Bohemia because our mouths were still salivating from the sweet pineapple and coconut sauce. mmmm…it did not disappoint! Vladdy joined us for lunch :). 

We showed up 30 minutes late for our lesson (tico time) and they said since we had bad storms earlier in the day, that surfing in the close beaches would be SUPER difficult. The surf dude said that the currents are no joke and it would be impossible to surf today. We set up our lessons for Friday and Saturday  --- he is planning on taking us to Matapalo which is about 30 minutes away and for surf for beginners. Not going to lie, we were a little peeved because the sun came out finally while we were eating lunch. We really would have rather gotten some sun in Manuel Antonio than return to ghetto Quepos… We hoof up the hill and luckily flag down a bus to take us to Manuel Antonio. As soon as we arrive on the beach, it starts drizzling but we stay and try to get some sun. While we were lounging on the beach (in the sunny/rainy weather we've grown to love/hate), two Englishmen come up and ask us to watch their stuff. We asked why they thought they could trust us…they said because we looked like funny americans. After they got out of the water, they plopped next to us and started rolling a joint. Plenty for everyone, but no gracias. (Abrazos, no drogas!) Vladdy met us a little later. 

We hop on the bus, zone out and completely miss our stop. We FLEW passed our stop at bambu jam. MK yells "STOP"  and starts hitting Kaiti, Kim flies out of her seat to push the doorbell stop button which is on the ceiling of the bus, almost crashing to the floor. Whew. We sit down to write the blog as the little PLC/CLT team that we are. What happened today? Nada? What can we write about? All of the sudden, the lights shut off everywhere from here to San Jose. Talk about a blackout! MK had just stepped out of the shower. BTW - there are no surrounding lights/moonlight. It was dark as our outlook the first day in CR. Jose grande (there are 3--will write more about them later) came with 2 candles for us (like the kind you'd get in church - no holders, no wax-catchers, nada). Kaiti holds the candle like lady liberty so MK can change. We trek over to our fav tree house bar, Jefe's, which doesn't have power but lots of candles and beer. 3 hours later, the lights come on and we continue drinking. The girls did their homework by candle light - so dedicadas. 

Chiwilly shots on the house. We talked to a family that lives in Wilmington, NC - small world. After a pilsen fueled conversation with our fav bartender, he informed us of 2 very important things: 1) that a tropical storm is a-comin' and to prepare to hunker down with even more rain, and 2) that they had a suite with our name on it and they'd be willing to discount it to help us get the hell out of our physco-apartment where serial killers lurk.  We are in the works of trying to get a refund for many reasons - including but not limited to: the cloudy pool. sammy the fat milipede who lives in our shower, luke the lizard who stares at us naked in the ice-cold shower, the dead worm Liz found in her sheets, the ants on/in the toilet & Kim's and my bed, the non flushing toilet, the fully equipped kitchen with 2 forks, a spoon & machete, and the years of therapy that it will take to heal these wounds.
Here are some photos of the apartment.


  1. Still laughing outloud!! Such great stories and adventures...My motherly advice...Never watch anyone "stuff"! That could be dangerous.

    Hope today was a great day!
